Tag Archives: month in advance

hello june…

I’ve  decided to start the months by writing down what to expect from it, my goals, events I’m looking forward to and so forth and since it’s a bank holiday today I’ve decided that it doesn’t count that it’s already the 5th of June.

I think kind of seeing what’s ahead of you gives you some sort of control and makes you feel less anxious about the future and that’s definitely what I want to achieve by writing out my month. If I were to actually use my paper calendar the way I wish to, I would plan the month out in advance but for now I just can’t be bothered… Definitely something I want to improve on in the close future.

This month isn’t as spectacular as it could be I guess, as I will mostly focus on not spending too much money because I have serious financial bills to take care of. I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to the end of that.

On the contrary of not spending too much money I do obviously have expenses I need to have in mind. As summer is fast approaching I am in need of a couple of summery clothes and shoes. It just doesn’t end well with all black, I think you know my struggle.

One thing that’s gonna happen literally tomorrow is a concert. I’ve purchased tickets for James Arthur and after the tickets got lost in my room I can now proudly say that I found them and that I am very much so stoked for the show. I gotta be honest here I don’t know too many songs but I cheated and created a playlist on Spotify with his setlist… I just don’t have enough time to get into as many records as I’d love to.


I also plan on writing a serious grocery list this month so I do not have to spend too much money but also have the options when it comes to food. As I work 3 to 4 days a week I definitely need a good amount of food that I can prep and take to work. I am too extra to eat out and if I’m totally honest, I am also way too lazy to hunt down quick restaurants.
And speaking of work, that’s what I want to do a lot of this month, it’s not super busy at work so I might get the opportunity to leave early or don’t come at all but as mentioned before I need money so I need to force myself to say “no” to any of these heavenly offers, ha.

Another thing I know already and am really excited for are a couple of movies I get to preview. They’ll fill some of my dull evenings so that’s a bonus.

There are also a couple of important dates coming like birthdays and partys but I haven’t thought a lot about that. So as for me, June is just going to be a summer month filled with university, work and trying to keep a full wallet so I can have a good start into July!

Oh. June is also a great month for a lot of different types of fruits so grab some strawberries and peaches and that really makes me super excited haha.

I hope you’re going to have a splendid June.


Ps: To give myself an extra push into this month I’ve did my spring/summer cleaning!

